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Look Mom, I'm Three (weeks old)

It's so true....they grow up fast. Augie is three weeks old today and he's already changed significantly since the day he was born. He's gone from my little jaundiced pumpkin to my little growing gremlin...noises and all. He's growling right now...

Last Tuesday Augie and I ventured out by ourselves to the Lactation Support Group at Swedish American Hospital. There Moms can have their babies weighed, feed them, and then have them weighed again to see how much they have taken in. They answer questions, give advice and you get to meet other Moms & babies. Last week he had exceeded his birth weight of 7lb 12oz and weighed in at 7lb 15.5oz. Tomorrow I will take Augie to the group again and see how much he has grown.

He's growing!
(no we don't sleep with him in the bed...we just had some cuddle time)
Both Andy & I can tell he's getting bigger. He's easier to handle...not so "floppy" and he just seems so much stronger. He's more alert each day, which is fun for us all. And I can finally put him in our Baby Bjorn carrier and walk with him around the house, which makes household tasks and things like sitting and writing this blog so much easier. I'm pretty sure he likes the movement and I'm happy he's attached to me. I'm hoping to try out our Moby Wrap one day soon too...

He's in the carrier..
We've incorporated some play mat time each day, and he seems to enjoy all the toys and checking his handsome self out in the mirror. Tummy time is going well. We do a few minutes a couple times a day. His neck is getting stronger and he has a want to move across the play mat when I put my hands behind his feet. He kind of looks like his running military training and has to stay under the wires... (his umbilical cord stump has fallen off since these pics were taken!..can we say bath time?!)

Andy went back to work this morning.  It was the earliest that we both have gotten up and stayed awake since Augie arrived. I was nervous, since I've been taking care of Augie for the last three weeks and Andy has been catering to the both of us. Today we have managed to get in a nap, some snuggle time, a little laundry and bedroom organization and I'm working on the blog. I have yet to shower or get in my treadmill/workout time, but I am hopeful I will get that in some time this afternoon. And maybe we'll have one more nap as well...

In preparation for Andy going back to work we did a little food prep this week and then again yesterday. We were pretty proud of ourselves. We wanted to be as organized as possible for his going back to work. He takes his lunch daily and I needed to make sure and have some grab and go foods. We plan on making at least two large crockpot meals a week, trying to make them as healthy as possible, and freezing at least half of it for left overs! Sundays will be our meal prep day to prepare for the week...cutting veggies, fruits, making sandwiches and salads, etc.

Crockpot Chicken & Dumplings
We've been making some food stuffs here and there...just not having much time to blog about it. Andy has been the primary chef..with me taking a backseat and whipping together a meal every now and then. Saturday morning he made our fave, One Eyed Bobs and cheese crisps...check out our new Ugly Doll mugs...oh so cute...ordered through Totsy

 Can't believe next week will be ONE MONTH!  I think we got this...


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