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Paleo Foods-Carrot Cake Balls & more

Augie is just over four moths old now! Wow how time flies and how he continues to change. He's had a cold and a bit of a cough but that seems to be dissipating. He's such a little ball of fun. He almost mastered rolling from back to stomach. He still loves to grab things and is now reaching to hold items with both hands. Daycare continues to go well. Sleeping was improved for a while, but with his cold and with his four month shots, our/his "schedule" got all discombobulated. We are still trying to get back to longer sleep times at night. Overall the little man is happy, which makes us happy too!

Our food adventures continue. I have pretty much cut out eggs now and am eating as little processed foods as possible since I have no clue what chemical ingredients are in things (even though there are ingredient lists on foods there are still those phantom ingredients that might not be listed). I've been reading more about the Paleo movement (eating like the cavemen used to). I haven't read any books, just a few blogs, but would like to read The Paleo Diet or The Paleo Solution very soon. The gist of the diet is natural foods (fruits/veg), meat (grass fed), nuts/seeds, no dairy, no gluten/wheat. Some folks do eggs; others don't. Ancient grains are ok (i.e. oats, quinoa, etc).

Pinterest has been helpful in tracking some delicious recipes and assisting me in finding foodie blogs that are Paleo based. This past week we tried Honey Glazed Chicken & Bacon Bites with avocado....YUM. My body digs good proteins. I liked tummy issues noted on my part or the munchkin's.

Last weekend we headed to my parents' for a Thanksgiving in May. Mom wanted to make a turkey. We had all the good stuffs to accompany. She did not use butter or dairy except in the potatoes which I managed to live without. She also made a banana cream pie. I didn't have any of that either but instead brought my own sweet treat. I made both  Carrot Cake Balls and Chocolate Balls and boy were tasty. For the chocolate balls I used the carrot cake recipe but took out the carrots and clove and put in honey and dark cocoa powder. Next time I think I would use less coconut oil or maybe not use any at all...and use a bit of honey instead.

We still have lots of good "taco bowls. We had one last night. Meat, veggies and corn chips with a little goat cheese. Very tasty.

So far these dietary changes are working! Augie seems to like them!


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