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My Baby is ONE!

I can't believe it's happened. As of Wednesday, Augie is officially ONE! It's been a heck of a year. And honestly, it's flown by so fast.  Everyone says that they grow up quickly. I didn't really believe it, but now I do.

My little guy is less fat and chubby infant, and is looking more and more like a thinned out, super active toddler each day.

Augie a few days old
Augie at a few months
Augiepants at almost a year
I look back at the last published blog post. It's from 7 months. The last 5 months have been a whirl wind and so much has happened that I literally have had no time to sit down and type. I feel somewhat sad about that, but I do have 2 unpublished posts which are lacking pictures that I can look back at. We also have about a thousand an a half pictures and videos that we have taken throughout this past year.

Occasionally Andy & I sit down after Augie has gone to sleep, and we look at all the pics and videos. They make us smile and sometimes tear's been a great journey so far. We both love the little guy tremendously.

Here's what's new on the Augie front:
  • WALKING!!!!
  • Hugging & kissing everything and everyone
Giving kisses to GG
  • Saying "Ba Ba" (bye bye)
  • Dancing-ska, reggae, dubstep or a random commercial jingle-this guy knows how to might be subtle OR it might be a full on dance party...but he knows how to groove...hehe
  • Becoming more curious every day

Augie has 8 teeth now. We think he may have another one coming could be a molar. The teething process has not been easy. Many people said that teething gets easier after the first tooth. This has not been our experience. Augie is very sensitive to his teeth coming through and I don't see that changing any time soon.

We've hit the 20 lb mark! I don't know how tall he is but we'll find out at his one year well check in about week.

We've pretty much shied away from spoon feeding. Augie really enjoys table food and that's where we are headed anyway. I'm not sure table food always likes Augie though.  We are still working on our issues with Augie's diet. We made it one year nursing, which was my goal. We've slowed down and started to wean and have introduced goat milk and soy milk, which he really enjoys. He's virtually done using a bottle at daycare. We tried to re-introduce some dairy and even some gluten/wheat, but we've had some really bad gassy nights and sleep still eludes us. Augie wakes up screaming in pain due to the gas, so we are cutting it all out again and will re-introduce a little more slowly...maybe we went a little too gung ho.

As I type my men are sleeping (soon to wake I'm sure) and I'm getting ready to put the finishing touches on Augie's birthday party, which is today. I can't wait to post pictures from Augie's Monster Bash! I'll probably need a nap later...


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